Roeper Textbook Co-op

It’s not too late to turn in your books! Collection bins located at the main door and inside the main entrance.
Take a picture of your books (with spines/titles visible) and send it to Annie Yamamoto or #248-410-9056. Include a parent’s name, email, AND number so we can add the name to the list of folks who contributed books.


  • Textbook donors only: Thursday, August 22, from 5–7:00 pm
  • Everyone else: Friday, August 23, from 8:00 am–12:00 pm & 5–7:00 pm
A loose rule of thumb is that we encourage you to select about as many textbooks in August as you donated the year before. We are all on the honor system as the RPC won’t keep track of who donated which books, but try to keep it in mind as you are planning for what you will need to purchase in the late summer. It’s a tricky rule of thumb as we really can’t guarantee that the books your child needs will be available in the fall.
Thank you for participating!
Educating and inspiring gifted students to think as individuals and to engage as a community with compassion for each other and this world.

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