The Roeper Institute

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The Roeper Institute, a separately incorporated not-for-profit corporation affiliated with The Roeper School, functions to advance the core values and ideals of the Roeper philosophy both within the school and to a larger community.

The Institute's primary areas of activity are:
  • publication of the Roeper Review journal on gifted education
  • public-private partnerships with philosophically allied institutions and programs advocacy for the needs of the gifted
For more information on The Roeper Institute, contact Associate Director Sarah Miller.
Mission: to promote broader understanding of the needs of gifted and creative children and the means of supporting their education, learning, and growth.

Board Members

  • HON. QIANA LILLARD, SECRETARY Judge, Wayne County Third Judicial Circuit Court 
  • JOAN LESSEN-FIRESTONE, TREASURER Retired Director, Early Childhood, Oakland Schools
  • DANTE DIXSON Assistant Professor, College of Education, Michigan State University
  • DIANNE O’CONNOR Retired Teacher, The Roeper School
  • STACY HOLLOMAN Retired Teacher, The Roeper School
  • KELLY MARGOT Assistant Professor, College of Education, Grand Valley State University
Executive Director: 
Associate Director: Sarah Miller
Roeper School Liaison: Denita Banks-Sims, Director of Development, The Roeper School
Editor, Roeper Review: Don Ambrose, Professor of Graduate Education, Rider University
We empower gifted learners to be active and compassionate citizens of the world.

Bloomfield Campus

Lower School and Administrative Offices
41190 Woodward Ave Bloomfield Hills MI 48304
PHONE  248.203.7330

Birmingham Campus