Lower School Baseball Program

Roeper is affiliated with the Bloomfield Baseball League. BBL rosters are based on school and grade, meaning that Roeper students in the same grade, who timely register, will be on the same team.
The BBL offers Spring (April–June) and Summer (June–July) seasons of co-ed recreational baseball for preK through 6th grade players. Skills development academies are offered throughout the year.
Registration for the BBL spring teams is open and the initial registration discount is available until January 31. For more information, visit Bloomfield Baseball League or contact Stephon Bagne, Roeper’s representative to the BBL.
We empower gifted learners to be active and compassionate citizens of the world.

Bloomfield Campus

Lower School and Administrative Offices
41190 Woodward Ave Bloomfield Hills MI 48304
PHONE  248.203.7330

Birmingham Campus