Important School Survey

We are excited to launch the ISACS School Community Survey and invite members of our community—students, parents, alumni, staff, and faculty—to participate. This survey is a vital tool used by independent schools nationwide for self-evaluation, strategic planning, and growth. With over 500,000 surveys in its database, ISACS provides invaluable benchmarking data that helps us shape Roeper’s future.
Your input is especially important as Roeper embarks on the self-study phase of its ISACS accreditation process. This is a unique opportunity for all voices to be heard, ensuring that our school continues to thrive and reflect our values.
Please take the time (10 minutes) to complete the survey. Your answers are anonymous and confidential, so provide your honest opinions. Survey results are process by a third party (the ISACS survey team), so we will not know the identity of any survey participant.
The deadline for completing the survey is February 28.
Thank you for your time and effort with this important initiative, We look forward to learning more about how you view our school community. Your responses will help to enhance Roeper and our plan for the future.
You will find the links in the February 11th Roeper Record newsletter that you received by email.

Contact Emily Wine with questions or if you experience any technical difficulties with the survey. 
We empower gifted learners to be active and compassionate citizens of the world.

Bloomfield Campus

Lower School and Administrative Offices
41190 Woodward Ave Bloomfield Hills MI 48304
PHONE  248.203.7330

Birmingham Campus